The oldest con game in the world, the end of the world crap.
Noah: "it will rain soon". It made Noah a celebrated man it didn't matter if the flood only occurred
in his neighborhood.
when you read the following statements from the wt.
organization... do they satisfy you?
or better stated...... should you be satisfied by there answers?.
The oldest con game in the world, the end of the world crap.
Noah: "it will rain soon". It made Noah a celebrated man it didn't matter if the flood only occurred
in his neighborhood.
this great video explains what critical thinking really is, and why it is a skill all humans need to employ in daily life.. the expression had been distorted by the society to something that is negative or wrong, yet that is far from the case.....
Kid letter to God from the Steve Harvey show.
Mark: "Dear God are you really invisible or just hiding because you don't
like your clothes". This kid is on his way in critical thinking.
are you their case worker, do they personally watch over you?wow just think you have someone.
that is working on your behalf.
that can be good are bad.
Are you their case worker, do they personally watch over you?Wow just think you have someone
that is working on your behalf. That can be good are bad. LOL
The WT teach some crazy sh----t....
I think about my ex-brotherlaw, he marry my sister best friend after she died and she drink the wine (anointed),
he will be in deep do do..
Simon: when I move to California in the 50's from the south I had problems with whites and Asians.
I came from a all black school, I had a hell of a time.
I'm black and I'am sure they both like chicken> Give me a break my friend...
That's so so funny on your part, especially the chicken and watermelon. So I'am raciest
against blacks and I'm black. I wonder can I join the KKK....
Donald Glover raised a JW.. I was checking to see if he was related to the actor Danny
Glover, he's not.
my rant tonight is against the quasi religious apologists that post on this board.
those who at once rail against the jw's then later talk about how "orderly" and "neat" the witnesses are at their conventions.
those who site the benefits of bloodless surgery to some who have the luxury and time to actually make an educated choice, while ignoring the tens of thousands who've died because they happen to be in an accident or succumb to a disease for which there is no other treatment.. i understand the power of cognitive dissonance.
The wife reminds me all the time about the none sense I would tell her , of course I tell her
I don't remember. This is her, remember you told me Adam was the 1st man and there was
a talking snake, JW's are some of the most intelligent folks on the face of the earth (I don't remember),
the Grand canyon was carved out by the flood ( I don't remember), people lived a long time in OT ( don't R).
There were a few years after leaving that organization I still held on to some of their stupid beliefs.
i heard through the grapevine about a forthcoming book:.
together through the great tribulation - come to jehovah's mountain.
still awaiting solid confirmation though.
If you want to get rid of a JW at your door, ask them to explain Rev. In fact ask them
to explain the bible.
i heard through the grapevine about a forthcoming book:.
together through the great tribulation - come to jehovah's mountain.
still awaiting solid confirmation though.
I'am not a bible scholar but I believe the author of Rev. was high as a kite. I'am looking
at a program at this moment and the 666 is 616. Jehovah will enlighten the GB with more BS..
If there is a Jehovah he laughing his ass off, these fools. Jehovah is thinking, hell I don't know
what Rev is about.
haven't noticed this posted:.
life is getting longer, reports world health organisation, at the fastest rate since the 1960s.
Socrates died at age 70 around 399 B.C and he did not die of old age but
instead by execution. 2000 years later modern man aren't living much longer.
But in 1907 life expectancy for men was 47, go figure.